2021 NOVEMBER 14 VK NATIONAL NEWS BROADCAST ON VK1WIA ------------------------------------------------------------* THE BEST NEWS YOU'LL GET ALL WEEK THIS LINK IS A VIDEO VERSION OF NEWS COMPILED BY VK5BD BEVAN tinyurl.com/WIA-News-Videos ------------------------------------------------------------* NATIONAL NEWS FOR WEEK COMMENCING NOVEMBER 14 2021 IN OUR 26th YEAR OF NON STOP NEWS Peter VK4EA with some updates from the WIA board. Lee VK3GK WIA meets with ACMA Roger VK2ZRH WIAs Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine. Trent VK4TS MANAGER WIA'S Ross Hull contest Plus lots lot more news you can trust, news without editorial spin PROGRAM RECORDED IN BRISBANE, OLYMPIC CITY 2032. JOIN THE WIA tinyurl.com/yyj87b9y Gidday, this is Peter- VK4EA with some updates from the WIA board. No doubt everybody is enjoying there new 2 by 1 callsigns, the activity level during the CQWW contest was encouraging. For those holding back on applying there are plenty left so get into it! The AMC website has all of the details you need to progress your application. The board wish to thank all Clubs and individuals that helped out at the JOTA events throughout the country, the effort is much appreciated. I have started on an IT systems review looking for volunteers with IT skills set to help out the WIA IT committee email me at vk4ea@wia.org.au if you are able to assist. Looking forward to the Dick Smith interview with Hayden VK4HH Ham Radio DX Dicks upcoming autobiography should be a good read. No doubt Hayden is about to speak about this very cool event. Any photos relating to radio activities are appreciated for our Instagram feed check the text edition for the links. [ WIA (@wia.oz) Instagram photos and videos ] Did you know that the WIA has a Twitter account? We do our best to post news and events and there are regular retweets from our partner organisations, clubs and individuals again check the text edition for the link. [ (20) wia.vk (@vk_wia) / Twitter ] Finally I hope to make some contacts during the upcoming Spring VHF / UHF Field day, we need to use our higher bands, please consider giving out some numbers and most important, please, put in a log. Cheers for now this has been Peter VK4EA on behalf of the WIA board. WIA meets with ACMA During October the WIA met with the ACMA to discuss several important topics including the new class licencing proposals, how the APANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) criteria of EMR compliance will integrate with the potentially new Amateur licencing structure, some of the finer points of the 2x1 Callsigns and the FYSO (Five Year Spectrum Outlook) and the effects it will have on the Amateur Radio community long term. ACMA welcomed the opportunity to meet with the WIA and were accepting that the previous very detailed submission on amateur licensing arrangements provided the ACMA with significant detail and knowledge to consider. With respect to Amateur licencing arrangements, ACMA advise that the submission to the ACMA Authority was almost complete and would go forward shortly. The next step once approved is to proceed with a Response to Submissions and suggested steps going forward. This was most likely to occur Jan/Feb 2022, a busy time for both WIA and ACMA. ACMA advised that the update on changes for the Amateur Service related to the APANSA EME Standard ACMA would consist of the intention to lift the current requirements from the Apparatus LCD into the new regulatory framework. There is no intention to impose any additional burden on amateurs. WIA finds this as an exceptional approach as any changes would entail a large educational requirement and that education in this area would be a necessity anyway. The 2x1 Contest callsigns have been a great success and ACMA is not considering imposing any further operating conditions. It will be up to the Amateur Community to come to a consensus that is reflective of the international view of contesting criteria and appropriate use of the 2x1 contesting callsigns. ACMA mentioned that they are working on the assignment process for Assignment of Repeater and Beacon apparatus licences. It was acknowledged of the WIAs role in International band plans. Discussions with ACMA and other parties are ongoing with the WIA developing a framework document for comment as a way of progressing to a suitable arrangement. The outcome and discussions were robust and the WIA thanked the ACMA for scheduling the WIA into their very busy schedule. A full report will be released shortly on the WIA Website. First official use of 2x1 Contest Callsigns. Monday 1/10/21, with the CQWW SSB contest now over it was great to see so many new contest callsigns being used for the first time along with many new contesters trying out this competitive facet of Amateur Radio. AMC delivered in a timely fashion, just in time for the biggest global HF contest on the calendar. The responses from the international contesting community was varied from what is the rest of your suffix to Great to hear VK now has contest callsigns It will take some time for the 2x1 to be less confusing as many seasoned contesters just know that VKs dont have any single letter suffixes in contests...until now that is. Three of your WIA directors, who are also active contesters have 2x1 contest callsigns. Did you manage to log one of them over the weekend and were unaware? If you participated in the CQWW contest and used a 2x1 callsign, please submit your contest log to the CQWW contest log upload link for collation. www.cqww.com/logcheck/ You may even win or place in a section. The WIA would like to hear your thoughts on the use of 2x1 contest callsigns. Please send your comments to nationaloffice@wia.org.au and we will collate and present them to our readers and listeners in the near future. 73 from Lee Moyle, VK3GK, WIA Vice President. This is Editor-in-Chief of Amateur Radio magazine, Roger Harrison VK2ZRH. Earlier this week, the files for Issue 6 were uploaded to the printer's server. The magazine was delivered to the mailing house at the end of the week. It will be with the retail distributor this coming week for delivery to newsagents. So, the latest edition of Amateur Radio magazine the last for 2021 will be with you from this coming week. The good folk at Australia Post will work hard to get it to you. Im sure. While I have your attention thank you to those readers who completed our READER SURVEY, which ran through September and closed on the 22nd of October. We have early results! When this issue lands in your hands, you will find them on Page 17. Well, what else is in store for readers in Issue 6? The theme for this issue is Antennas and Propagation. We have articles on both home and portable antennas. Phil Wait VK2ASD explores the performance of his half-square wire antenna for 40 metres, while Ben Broadbent VK-5-B-B reveals how to build a Steady Eddie portable squid pole mount for easy, single-person deployment. Propagation-wise, Simon Rumble VK-2-V-S-R gives us the skinny on monitoring space weather online, while our VHF-UHF columnist, David Minchin VK-5-K-K reveals some fascinating details on microwave propagation via evaporative ducting along with recent investigations into aircraft scatter. Likewise, our Meteor Scatter Columnist, Dr Kevin Johnston VK-4-U-H, fleshes-out the mechanics of meteor scatter propagation and the ways and means of successfully exploiting it heres one area where smaller is better! That refers to antenna systems. For the constructors among you, Lou Destefano VK-3-A-Q-Z continues his HF antenna tuner project, which was held over from Issue 5. And further, the indefatigable Jim Tregellas VK-5-J-S-T presents a digital readout V-S-W-R and RF power meter project that covers all amateur bands from 160 to six metres and powers up to 250 watts P-E-P. Coincidentally, the series on unravelling the mysteries of connecting radios to antennas, by Dr Brian Clarke VK-2-G-C-E, continues apace. Once more, Newcomers Notebook appears, this time covering the Whys and wherefores of the Wheatstone Bridge a circuit widely used to measure all sorts of things, as Jules Perrin VK-3-J-F-P explains. And this issue we reveal the theme for the first issue next year its Contesting! This has been AR magazine Editor-in-Chief Roger Harrison VK2ZRH for VK1WIA News. ------------------------------------------------------------* INTERNATIONAL NEWS With thanks to IARU, RSGB, RAC, Southgate AR Club, ARRL, NZART, eHam, AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINE & the World Wide sources of the WIA. GRANT Howth Martello Radio Group is very grateful to the IRTS for the grant of 800 Euro from the Promoting Amateur Radio fund, PAR. This will go a long way to enable the Group to upgrade EI 0 MAR. The Martello is in such an exposed coastal location that antennas take a battering from the weather, especially during the winter months. Over the last several years a commercial Cobwebb and a HF vertical antenna have been totally destroyed by the weather and a new HF antenna is now on the shopping list. SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME The November meeting of the South Eastern Amateur Radio Group in Ireland will be held the 29th of November at 8pm sharp BUT the venue will only allow access to those who are fully vaccinated and produce their EU Digital Covid certificate and valid photographic id. QRM A case of interference in the Primary amateur radio 40m band, by an AM broadcast station in Tashkent, was speedily dealt with There was an AM broadcast on 7160 kHz on 22nd October between 18:00 and 18:15 UTC. Due to the transmission power of the radio station and the breadth of the commercial A3E signal, there was considerable impairment of radio traffic in the 7155 to 7165 kHz range in large parts of Europe and the Middle East. Germany's Band Watch contacted the company responsible, Media Broadcast, to investigate the cause. Media Broadcast said the mistake was made by a contracted relay station in Tashkent. The exact cause is still being investigated. The provider there had actually been commissioned by Media Broadcast to broadcast on 6040 kHz in the 49 m radio band. We were assured that this was a one-off incident and apologized for the inconvenience. Disaster Airlift Response Team install new ham radio The St. Helena Star reports new amateur radio equipment has been installed by the Angwin Disaster Airlift Response Team (DART) The newspaper says: The non-profit Angwin DART (Disaster Airlift Response Team), a coalition of more than 20 volunteer pilots based at Angwin-Parrett Airfield, has upgraded its radio system to allow for state wide communication during emergencies. The new 50-watt, dual-band, mobile HAM radio base station links the Angwin airport to each of California's other DART-operated airports. If Internet and cell phone systems go down during a serious disaster, HAM radios could be the only way to communicate disaster relief needs, said Marielle Coeytaux-Britton KN6DJK, director of the Angwin DART. DART's mission is to fly goods or people in or out of devastated areas when ground transportation cannot do the job for example, when roads are blocked by flooding, fire or earthquake damage. tinyurl.com/kzanayj5 GOING GOING SOLD The New Zealand communications company Jackson & Wills, founded in 1947 by radio amateurs Douglas Jackson ZL4GM and Maurice Wills ZL4GY, has been sold The Southland Times newspaper reports: An electronic business formed 74 years ago, which helped Southlanders keep up with the advancement of radios, phones and televisions, has a new owner. Jackson & Wills was opened by Douglas Jackson and Maurice Wills in Invercargill in 1947, specialising in radio and electronics. Douglas and Maurice were brought together by a shared enthusiasm for amateur radio following WW2. In 1956, Maurice was reportedly the first person in New Zealand to view overseas international television during the Melbourne Olympics using frequencies announced by Australian television authorities. Two years later he was believed to have built one of the first complete television sets in New Zealand. Jackson & Wills had most recently been run by Maurices son Lindsay, who had worked at the business for the past 34 years. The biggest change in his 34 years in the business had been the transition from analogue to digital technology, which had opened up a whole new field for radio and telephones, Lindsay said. The business has been sold to Ashley Communications. Read the full story on the interweb tinyurl.com/4tn8n2nb ------------------------------------------------------------* HAM RADIO OPERATIONAL NEWS - IT'S A CONTACT SPORT -------------- SPRING VHF - UHF FIELD DAYS November 27-28 -------------- CQ World-Wide CW contest Nov 27-28 -------------- Peel AR Groups 80m Slow CW Corroboree on Sunday morning December 4th. Times will be 2300z on December 3rd until 0200z on December 4th (i.e. 1000 1300 Australian Eastern daylight time on December 4th). Next week Mark Bosma VK6QI will give us more info -------------- December 4-5 160 Meter WW -------------- DECEMBER 11 - 12 10 Mtr World Wide -------------- Greetings Contest Fans and VHF UHF enthusiasts in general Well, here we are halfway through November and that can only mean 2 things - The Spring VHF UHF Field Day is on at the end of the month and the Ross Hull Contest is not that far away. The Ross Hull contest has always been promoted as a Worldwide Contest and this year we have progressed that with multiple language translations of the contest rules and the addition of the term Marathon to underline what the contest is about. In terms of Marathons, you do not have to work the entire month of January but just the best 7 days. Anyone can join in on the VHF and Above bands so keep an ear out and have fun in the running of the 2022 Ross Hull Marathon. (Trent VK4TS) -------------- DX WINDOW -------------- Crozet Island DXpedition news Because news such as this over the years, the 25 plus years we've been handling WIA National News has a knack of going "belly up" this may be the last you'll hear of it. BUT The Northern California DX Foundation is granting some 20,000 USDs to Thierry Mazel, F6CUK, for the Crozet Island DXpedition planned for December 2022 thru March 2023. Crozet Island is #3 on the ClubLog Most Wanted List world-wide and #2 in North America. DXpeditions to rare entities like Crozet Island that are so remote are becoming more expensive and more logistically challenging, a trend that we believe will continue. Hopefully this experienced DXpedition operator can exploit this rare opportunity to access Crozet Island, put out an effective signal on all the bands and log all of the needy over the course of his extended stay. (sourced to SouthGate) -------------- Ken, LA7GIA, the noted DXpeditioner, is operating from Bangui in the Central African Republic as TL 7 M until tomorrow, the 15th of November. He will be operating on all bands and all modes. According to the QRZ page for TL7M he will also make the first activation of 60m in the Central African Republic under a special permit. -------------- Active again is V 47 JA from Saint Kitts Island, IOTA NA-104, to the 24th of November, on 160 to 6m, including 60m, using SSB and FT8. QSL via home call W 5 JON direct and also LOTW. (irts) -------------- Remo, HB9SHD, is using the callsign 8Q7RM from the Maldives, IOTA AS-013, throughout November. Listen for him on FT8. He will also be using slow CW and SSB on the bands from 6m to 40m. Send QSLs to his home call, either direct or via the bureau, Club Logs OQRS and Logbook of the World. -------------- Indian special event For the 16th year, look for special event station AU 2 JCB, to be active between November 19th and December 15th on 80-6 meters SSB. Operations are to celebrate the 163rd anniversary of the birth (November 30th) of Sir Jagadeesh Chandra Bose, India's great scientist and inventor who they consider the "Father of Wireless Communication". www.qsl.net/vu2msy/JCBOSE.htm (opdx) -------------- Listen out for the RSGB arranged call sign GB 21 YOTA. They have set this call for allocation to youngsters to operate throughout December. -------------- HAPPY AND HOLY CHRISTMAS Special Dutch call signs for December/January On the occasion of Christmas, Raymond, Wijnand and Ramona will activate three special callsigns: PA 21 XMAS PD 21 SANTA PD 22 HNY The three stations will be active from Wednesday December 1, to January 31, 2022, both on the more local, to them, 70 cms and 2 mtr bands and HF for we DXers using SSB, FT4, FT8 and SSB. Radio amateurs who work at least two of the three Christmas stations are eligible for a certificate. www.qrz.com/db/PA21XMAS https://IARU-Netherlands OF9X: Old-Father-Nine-Xmas. This Finnish station has excited the little radio operators and their families for many years from the land of Christmas. OF 9 X In December. ------------------------------------------------------------* MEDIA WATCH 160m Frequency Change Please note that the 160m rebroadcast of this WIA National News on 160 metres by Graham VK7GS from Mt Rowland in North West VK7 is changing frequency, down slightly to 1.862MHz to avoid AM Broadcast station intermods. (VK7WI) Dick Smith, VK2DIK has lived an adventurous and extraordinary life. He is a proud Australian, businessman, adventurer, entrepreneur and he single handily changed electronics and the Amateur Radio and CB scene in Australia. Dick has recently released his autobiography titled, Dick Smith: My Adventurous Life and on Friday November the 19th at 8pm AEDT, we're privileged to sit down live with Dick on the Ham Radio DX YouTube channel. We'll be speaking to him about his adventure stories, including the first solo helicopter flight around the world, his business ventures and his early days and interest in radio. Many listeners would have fond memories of walking into a Dick Smith Electronics to get the latest component for that project you are building, Funway kit, or maybe just to drool over that new rig! Yes this is the chance for all hams and electronic enthusiasts around Australia to say thanks to the legend that is, Dick Smith. This is 73 from Hayden VK7HH for Ham Radio DX on VK1WIA. www.youtube.com/watch?v=itOOTmEgbHY ------------------------------------------------------------* WORLD WIDE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP NEWS FINAL FRONTIER AMSAT-VK Secretary - secretary@amsat-vk.org ARISS INITIATIVES RECEIVE $1.3M GRANT FROM ARDC Education is one of the biggest engines driving the program known as Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, or ARISS. Now ARISS will have even more resources to educate youngsters interested in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics, as well as the teachers who help them make that connection. A five-year grant worth nearly $1.3 million has been awarded to ARISS-USA from Amateur Radio Digital Communications. Some of the funds will help ARISS develop a wireless electronics technology kit enabling middle and high school students to learn more about amateur radio. The grant will also help pay for educator workshops so teachers can help students learn more from their use of the wireless kit. Finally, the grant will provide funding for contacts planned between students and astronauts during the five-year period of the grant. Frank Bauer KA3HDO, executive director of ARISS-USA, called the grant a game-changer, adding that it [quote] "represents a key element of our ARISS Two Point Oh [2.0] vision." [endquote] (arnewsline.org) Although having little if any pre-publication an Australian School recently held an ARISS contact. Among the questions.. and these are REALLY good ones:- Do you think electro-magnetic rockets would benefit space travel and how far off are we from launching them? What is the most interesting thing you have seen or experienced in space? As experts on space exploration, do you think Space exploration is a good idea and do you think space tourism is a good idea? Does food taste different in space and can you describe the difference? What was it like when you saw Earth from space for the first time? (ARNewsLine FaceBook) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- IOTA iota-world.org AN-017; various, Adelie Land group: David F 4 FKT has arrived on Antarctica and plans to operate from various locations during his spare time: FT4YM: Base Dumont d'Urville, Petrels island, Antarctica. FT4YM/P: Base Concordia, Antarctica. FT4YM/P: Base Little Dome C, Antarctica. FT4YM/P: Base Cape Prud'homme, Antarctica. QRV mostly on 40 and 20m SSB. He stays until the beginning of March 2022. QSL via F5PFP. (sourced to DARC) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP --- MARITIME Pearl Harbor Day Memorial special event With operating authorization from the Navy's 3rd Fleet Spectrum Manager, the Battleship IOWA Amateur Radio Association (BIARA), Inc. and the IOWA's Innovation and Engineering Team will activate the ship's legacy Navy callsign, NEPM, December 7, in memory of Pearl Harbor Day. Operation will be between 1600-2359 UTC. NEPM will TRANSMIT on 14781.5 kHz using J3E USB and listen on 14343.0 kHz J3E USB. Amateurs are reminded that they may NOT transmit on 14781.5 kHz. If there is traffic on 14343.0 kHz, the NEPM operator will advise of an alternate frequency where he is listening. QSLs will be available if a SASE is provided. NEPM, NI6BB or NE6PM are all listed on QRZ.com and any route will get your request to the QSL manager. Please visit BIARA's Web site at (https://biara.org) for more information about radio operations aboard the Battleship IOWA soon to be the home of the National Museum of the Surface Navy OPDX WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- DIGITAL Hi, I'm Graeme, VK3GRK in Bendigo. Presenting M17 - a new digital mode! Bendigo Amateur Radio & Electronics Club invites you to our November meeting, where BAREC member Tony Langdon VK3IRL, will provide an interesting presentation and live demonstration of the new digital mode M17. M17 is a new Amateur Radio VHF/UHF digital voice and data mode under active development. M17 is 100% open source and developed by Amateurs. Tony will cover the origins of M17, some of the key features and how club members can get on M17 today! Bendigo is now one of the few places in the world, and probably the only place in VK with M17 infrastructure. The presentation commences at 7.30 pm, Friday November 19th at BAREC headquarters, Bendigo East Hall, 35 Lansell St. The presentation will also be streamed on the BAREC YouTube channel. WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- MEDICAL IHS = IHSOFMN.org PHARMACISTS = malpensa.it/iphg Medical Amateur Radio Council marco-ltd.org/ Canadian special event Look for special event station VX 3 INSULIN from Ontario to be active between December 1-31st. Activity is to mark the 100th anniversary of a Canadian team at the University of Toronto's discovery of insulin in the summer of 1921. Operations will be primarily digital, with FT8 and FT4 being the dominant modes of use. QSL via VE 3 NOO (OPDX) BELGIUM. Special event station OT 5 IDPD is QRV until December 3 to commemorate International Day of Persons with Disabilities that takes place on December 3. Activity is on the HF bands. QSL via ON 6 WL. (FBook/arnewsline) WW SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS --- YOTA (Youngsters On The Air) youtube.com/channel/UClAapljf0VQ751sOgu2IzaA twitter.com/hamyota YOTA Month 2021, so do listen out for the RSGB arranged call sign GB 21 YOTA. They have set this call for allocation to youngsters to operate throughout December. 3 C's cross the 'Sea.' "Three 6th grade students, Carter KF0FYO, Carrie KF0FYS, and Cora KF0FYR, all whose name starts with the letter C, along with their teacher Ravi Davis KF0FYL received their ham radio licenses this past summer. Said Ravi, This was the first out of country contact weve made! Crossing the Atlantic sea we contacted a group of middle school students from county Kent in England. We hope to establish a regular pen pal relationship between their STEM students and our STEAM students to share and collaborate in ongoing global challenges and investigations throughout the year, truly connecting ourselves to the rest of the world! tinyurl.com/4edw5a5b (Estes Park Trail Gazette) ------------------------------------------------------------* 2021 Social Scene Due to the COVID-19 situation, please check these events' direct for up-to-date status information and even without Covid dates have an uncanny knack of being changed at last moment. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PORTAL Coronavirus (COVID-19) latest news, key facts and figures, contacts and answers to your questions. www.health.gov.au/ Gold Coast Amateur Radio Society HamFest on Sunday 21st November Country Paradise Parklands 231 Beaudesert Nerang Road, Nerang. (Paul VK4PY) Reception Reports WIA News rebroadcasters often give Short Wave Listeners a welcome to the broadcast as they commence call-backs straight after the Local News. Local news follows National news in all states. It would be great if those SWL's would email their reception reports and location to callbacks@wia.org.au Submitting news items If you would like to submit news items for possible inclusion in the VK1WIA broadcasts, please email your item in text to nationalnews@wia.org.au and don't JUST send url's links or posters, but take the time to pen YOUR contribution. To submit audio, email nationalnews@wia.org.au and send BOTH the audio and the text We would appreciate items certainly no longer than 1.5 mts in length as we only have a half hour. Remember the sooner you submit material the more the likelihood of it being broadcast in the very next edition of WIA National News. Each item will only be broadcast once, if you want a couple of mentions, please submit different slants to keep your event 'fresh' and always if the news room is to read your item --- write it in the 3rd person. (First if YOU are reading your own item) A reminder when supplying HamFest info we obviously can't plug DEALS from commercial traders "on air", but we at the WIA will put your supporters 'goods' in this text edition "no worries." We cannot give blatant 'plugs' to raffles. ------------------------------------------------------------* Oh... and to contact us with your news because If It Matters To You It Matters To Us! Click the links below to download the most recent edition of National News, BUT this is ONLY the backup site! WIANEWS backup thanks to Brendan VK4BLP can be found on wiaq.org.au BACKUPS OF THE BACKUP!! thanks to Tony VK7AX www.vk7ax.id.au/wianews/ wia.org.au/members/broadcast/wianews/ (This is the link to the original text version and original audio on wia site) ------------------------------------------------------------* WIANews - we've reported...YOU decide. TWITTER twitter.com/VK1WIA Societies and Club News Letter Editors can EXCHANGE a feed prior to the actual broadcast date, e-mail nationalnews@wia.org.au Call-backs follow the RF editions, but also for text readers you may lodge a quick reply to let us know you read it, who knows, you might even get a "cheerio call". Thanks to our dedicated band of broadcast volunteers who utilize their time and equipment in bringing you this weekly broadcast. Who and where are they? wia.org.au/members/broadcast/where/ The purpose of "WIANews" is to rapidly provide news of interest to WIA affiliated clubs and active amateurs residing in Australia and the globe. We strongly encourage membership in the Wireless Institute of Australia and participation in the activities of local clubs. Opinions expressed in "WIANews" are those of the writers who submit material and do not necessarily reflect those of the rebroadcasters, nor the National WIA, but IF broadcast, are done so in the spirit in which they were submitted." Material may be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form, a credit to WIANews wouldn't go astray... If you would like to see the call-backs reported each broadcast, OR have call-backs to contribute to the National News call back tally then please send through your call-backs to callbacks@wia.org.au How do I join this National News List? (subscribe for an automatic weekly feed.) Email to vk1wia-news-join@lists.wia.org.au from the email account that you wish the emails to go to. How do I leave this National News List? (unsubscribe your weekly feed) Open mail program which sends mail from the address you want to unsubscribe from. Send unsubscribe to the list unsubscribe address vk1wia-news-leave@lists.wia.org.au You will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given in that mail to complete the unsubscription. Once your unsubscription has been processed, you will probably receive a message confirming your unsubscription from the list and at that point you should stop receiving messages. ------------------------------------------------------------*